Sunday, April 10, 2011

'What?' Might you ask does a German breakfast consist of?

'What?' Might you ask does a German breakfast consist of? Well, let's just say it's not the normal pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs I'm use to.
Cameron and I woke up for breakfast the other morning and found an assortment of food that is not traditionally seen in the states. Okay, let me start by describing the atmosphere... First of all, everyone is VERY quiet while eating breakfast. Which is a little uncomfortable for me(especially when you drop your knife on the tiled floor) but, I can work with it. Secondly, there is no such thing as personal space. So, if you have an open chair next to you... it will be taken. Third, German's stare at you. Which makes me extremely uncomfortable! Especially since breakfast in Germany is eaten as if you were sitting in front of Her Majesty the Queen.
Anyways, the "assortment" of food goes like so... I'll start with the semi-normal stuff--- lightly boiled eggs, all kinds of fruit yogurts(not what you think), cereal with warm milk and thinly sliced fruits...Not so bad. But here is where it gets weird. Sliced cheeses, 4 or 5 different kinds of sliced lunch meat, including raw salmon. Tomato, cucumber, aged cheese and 4-5 different kinds of hard rolls. I found this picture on the internet but, it's exactly what I find every morning waiting for me. I would just take pictures myself... but, I'm sure they think "The American Couple" is weird enough.

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