Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Biking to Partnach Gorge & Lake Eibsee

Cameron and I woke up Sunday morning and decided it was a perfect day to rent bikes and go for a ride up to Partnach Gorge. It's been a long time since both Cameron and I rode bikes but it's like they say, you never forget. So, after a little bit of practice we were on our way!

I was handling the map, which was a mistake becuase we made a wrong turn along the way. But, my SUPER land navigator husband put us back on the right track. It took us about an hour and a half to bike up to the gorge and including the time we got lost. On our way there we saw the 1936 Olympic Winder Stadium, it was rather small... and interesting to look at becuase it was built and held when Germany was Nazi Germany.

The stadium was only 5-10 minutes from the gorge so we hooked up our bikes along the river and walked up to the ticket counter. It was super cheap,(2 euro a person) and it was so beautiful. Cameron kept turning around and saying, "Lord of the Rings." I know it's a little dorky but I agree! It was like a movie and the cool mist coming from the gorge was a nice break from the heat.

Here are some pictures of the gorge~

Lake Eibsee

After biking for most the day we went back to our hotel and enjoyed a little R&R! We decided since it was our last day there we shouldn't waste it staying in our hotel. So, we put on our swim suits and jumped in the car. Lake Eibsee is a massive crystal clear blue lake about 15 minutes away from our hotel. We pulled up and there was no parking and the place was packed! So we parked down the street and walked back to the lake. Once we found an open spot Cameron jumped into the water. It took me almost 10 minutes to get into be fully immersed. It was freezing at the end of August! Not exactly the ideal water temperature so I didn't stay in long. However, Cameron loved it and here are some pictures of him being silly.

Whitewater Rafting in Austria

While we were down in southern Germany we decided to go whitewater rafting in Austria! We had a blast! It was just a short drive from where we were staying and it was a beautiful drive. Once we arrived they made us fill out some paperwork that stated we were 'sane' and had no medical issues and then we put on our wet gear...

We looked ridiculous. (This picture was taken after we got back)

We then jumped on a bus and headed 20 minutes up the road to the entrance of the river. Our tour guide; Mike(who's awesome) taught us some simple instructions about rowing and safety and we were off paddling down the river. The water was a gorgeous blue and the scenery was green. It was beautiful.

Mike let us jump out a few times when the river was 'calm.' It was freezing cold! It was a really hot that day and with the wet weather gear it wasn't so bad. Needless to say, we had way too much fun!

Here are some pictures of our trip